News and Photos
Nov. 2019, ICB students set up at Temple Shir Tikva
Nov. 2019. Students set up rooms
Oct. 2019, Students do laundry of bedding
Oct. 2019 Folding sheets after families stayed at Peace Lutheran church
Nov. 2018, ICB students set up living space at Temple Shir Tikva
Nov. 2018, Working together in setup
Nov. 2018, Making beds for the families
Nov. 2018, Helping at Temple setup in their Sunday School classrooms
ICB Team highlighted in news story: Family Promise Metrowest walk raises $160,000
2018 Walk to End Homelessness Team
2018 Walk to End Homelessness Team
Team ICB Wayland once again had tremendous success in the 2018 Family Promise Metrowest's (FPM) Walk to End Homelessness. ICB Wayland was once again the highest fundraising team with our adult and youth teams combined raising $13,506! This year we've heard FPM and other team representatives tell us that since Team ICB joined the Walkathon event a few years ago, we have raised the bar on fundraising and taken it to a new level.
2018 Walk to End Homelessness top youth fundraising team
Accepting the team award for being the highest fundraising team
All this is due to our great team spirit and to our supportive community, and we are grateful to all of you who helped us be recognized as a group devoted to the mission of Family Promise Metrowest. God willing, we will continue in our mission of helping local homeless families regain their footing by providing them a joint community solution to their situation.
2017 Walk to End Homelessness, April 8, 2017
Team ICB was recognized for having the highest individual fundraiser, and the 2nd highest team!
Our youth fundraising superstar earned himself a jacket!
Green bandanas rule at the 2017 Walk to End Homelessness
Kids are guided through meal prep to make a meal to be served to the families staying at Temple Shir Tikva. March 2017.
Interfaith platter made by ICB and Temple youth collaboration, March 2017.
Youth from ICB and Temple admiring their creations. before serving to FPM families, March 2017..
ICB Sunday School students break down sleeping quarters and clean up living spaces at Peace Lutheran Church on March 20, 2016
Youth Group prepares a meal to be served to families staying at Peace Lutheran Church, November 2016
Breakdown of FPM rooms at Peace Lutheran Church, November 2016
ICB volunteers set up Peace Lutheran Church classrooms on March 6, 2016
ICB Wayland team raises $11,712 for FPM WalkAway Homelessness fundraising walk, April 9, 2016
ICB Wayland team raises $11,712 for FPM WalkAway Homelessness fundraising walk, April 9, 2016
ICB and Temple Shir Tikva Youth work together to prepare a meal to be served to families staying at the Temple, March 2016
ICB Team sports our green bandanas at the walk, April 2015
ICB Team for Walk Away Homelessness fundraising walk, April 2015
ICB Sunday School students set up living spaces at Peace Lutheran Church on March 30, 2014
ICB team for WalkAway Homelessness fundraising walk, April 2014